Thanks for this Robert: I am not sure what you are really saying here especially with regard to attendance. I think the sole responsibility of attendance is probably by the parents but how can parents assure this if both parents are working and assume your kid goes to school if they are not there?

I 100% agree with you with regard to endless testing. I think a lot of good teachers left when this happened. I know 1 or 2.

Apparently the US spends more money on education than any other country in the world but Education is well below a huge number of countries.

I did have a daughter in the US school district and was appalled by her education. She was learning nothing. We had come from the UK at the time. Her Elementary school in a Canyon was fantastic mostly because a lot of parents were involved.

I don't live in the US now but in France where the system is OK/not brilliant but at least they are learning. I have met so many stupid Americans in my life and have always understood education is key.

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